Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm Not Lazy, This is Appealing

As you may have noticed on the right hand side of my blog here, I'm currently reading The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss. I innocently picked it up while in Borders and did not have any intent to make a purchase. Then I started reading.

When I saw the cover on the bookshelf I was immediately curious about what was inside, and being one to try my hardest to not have to work hard, the title was very appealing. Not only does it have an appealing title, but who wouldn't want to be the guy on the cover, laying on a hammock strung between two palm trees, sipping a Corona with lime (okay, that last one is mine). Just below the dude chill'n like a villain is a very tasty sub title: "Escape 9-5. Live anywhere. And join the new rich." I was hooked.

Looking around to make sure my wife wasn't watching, I snatched it from the shelf and made my way to one of the comfy chairs strewn around the store. After reading the first page or two my "get rich quick" radar starting beeping at me; I ignored it and pressed on. I am still in the beginning of the book, chapter 6, but have not sensed my "get rich quick" or "pyramid scheme" radar beep since the first part of the book.

I know it's kind of pointless to blog about a book that I haven't even finished yet, but, I just did. I will try to write my thoughts as I go through the book. After I bought the book, my wife just told me to be careful and to not get any wild ideas. We'll see.
Edit: my review on this book will appear on my personal finance website, Where You Are Now.